So haven't done a ton this week, but still have been kinda busy. Here are some random pictures of our week. I know that I don't really post anything but my kids....but that's all I do. Plus I think they are kinda cute. Besides if you didn't want to see them you wouldn't keep lurking on my blog. Ha!
Meet the newest member of our family. It's finally here....Bret's coveted PS3. You don't know how much of a pain in the butt he was until he got it. Well, I'm sure you can imagine. Now its here and after the kids go to bed he plants himself in front of the tv and giggles to himself about how cool the graphics and sound are. Whatever.
Since Wes never gets to show Daddy his stamp that he gets after tumbling, we decided we'd take a picture so he would be sure to see it. If you can't tell it is a frog.
Wesley having his very first popsicle. He was excited to try it. Took a few licks and decided that it was too cold and he was done. He wanted to feed it to Zora, but we put it in a baggy to try another day.
I found these cute foam visors and farm animal foam stickers at the craft store and decided that it would be a fun project for Wes to do. Well, he surely did have fun. I think he used at least half the stickers that were in the bag. This is what my little genius came up with.
This is a more close up shot. I don't like our big camera and can't work a lot of the pictures are fuzzy. I'm planning on buying me my own camera so hopefully later posts will have pictures you can see. Anyway....he kept piling stickers on top of stickers, but it was his visor so I let him do whatever he wanted and told him it was beautiful.
13 years ago